5 Homemade Drinks To Drive Your Weight Loss Goals

By Kapiva Editorial

We all know that there are no shortcuts when it comes to healthy and sustained weight loss. However, there are definitely foods and drinks that can help you along the way when you’re trying to shed those extra kilos. While drinks high in sugar and fat are a no-no, some natural drinks that are low in calories can promote weight loss in the body. You might be wondering how drinks can do that. Well, when combined with a healthy diet that suits your needs and an exercise routine to keep you moving, drinks like green tea, coffee, and even plain old water can help you burn more calories, boost your metabolism, and keep you sated for longer. Here are 5 drinks that could level up your body’s ability to lose weight:

1. Green Tea

Green tea is a drink that has become synonymous with health and wellness, particularly weight loss. However, this isn’t just a fad! Green tea is packed with catechins, antioxidants that boost fat burning and metabolism in your body. Research shows that it can reduce both body weight and body fat. Matcha, a powdered Japanese green tea, has lots of catechins and with regular use has shown to help burn fat. That’s not all, green tea also contains caffeine, which boosts your energy levels and improves exercise performance, leading to weight loss. Trying to trim off some inches from your measurements? Green tea has also been revealed to make your waist, hip, and abdomen smaller. So while a matcha latte from your favourite coffee shop might not quite be the best, a cup of warm green tea will certainly help you on your weight loss journey.

2. Coffee

A morning cuppa is loved the world over, but this delicious jolt of caffeine doesn’t just wake you up, it may also help your weight loss journey. Coffee’s caffeine content acts as a stimulant in your body. It levels up your metabolism and lowers the amount of energy you take in. It also helps you take in fewer calories and burn more fat, contributing to weight loss. What’s more, research also found that people who drink more coffee can maintain their weight loss easier. So don’t forget to grab a cup of joe the next time you head to the gym!

3. Water

The life force of the planet, this refreshing and natural drink isn’t only great because it’s zero-calorie, but also because it helps you burn calories. You heard that right, studies have found that within 10 minutes of drinking water, it can increase the number of calories you burn while resting by 24-30%. Did you know that you could confuse thirst with hunger? Next time you feel like snacking, sip on some water instead. Water helps you stay hydrated and full, satisfying your appetite in place of calorie-heavy snacks. Drinking up a tall glass of water before meals also helps you cut back on how much you eat, further aiding your weight loss journey.

Foods that fill you nutritionally while increasing satiety are a boon for losing weight. We recommend Kapiva’s Get Slim Ayurvedic juice, a direct extraction of flax seeds and castor that aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism and prolonging your feeling of fullness. It also stimulates intestinal muscles aiding better bowel movements and relief from constipation and other digestive issues.

4. Jaljeera

Jeera is a beloved spice in India with a myriad of uses, but it’s also great for aiding weight loss. If lightly salted, spiced drinks are your go-to, jaljeera is for you. Researchers have found that cumin helps in trimming your waistline and dropping weight while helping you get a healthy BMI and reduce fat percentage in your body. Packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, jeera added to your drinks could help you shed those pounds! Delicious and refreshing, this summer drink is a great weight loss-friendly option for you.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

This sour condiment isn’t just great for adding to salad dressings, it also helps you shed excess weight! Apple cider vinegar has acetic acid, and this helps stimulate weight loss in your body. It boosts your metabolism, suppresses your appetite, and burns fat. Not only that, but apple cider vinegar also helps you keep the weight you lose off and stops fat from being stored on your belly and liver. So dilute some with water and drink up before your meals to reap its benefits!

6. Ginger Tea

A flavourful root that is widely used in many cuisines to pack a punch of flavour, ginger can also aid weight loss. Research shows that it can make you feel fuller and less hungry, making your appetite smaller. What’s more, it also increases the number of calories your body needs to digest food. With this combination of benefits, ginger becomes a great addition to your weight loss regime.

7. Tomato Juice

Whether you think tomato is a fruit or a vegetable, we can all agree that it’s tasty. Fresh and natural, it helps you slim down by losing body weight and body fat, trimming your waist, and reducing your BMI. Blend it up into a juice or make some tomato soup, this is a great weight loss friendly addition to your diet.

Weight Control With Flavourful Slim Shake Meal

Kapiva Slim Shake Assortment Pack

Indulge in the healthy essence of Kapiva’s Meal Replacement Slim Shake which is nutritious and Ayurvedic. The Slim Shake assortment pack comprises 4 flavours – coffee, chocolate, guava, and mango. From chocoholics to coffee lovers to the fans of tropical fruits, this combo helps you relish all the flavours without compromising on nutrition. Consume all these flavours in unison and your weight loss journey would be a treat like none other!

This information is part of the series produced for



Kapiva Editorial

We are a team of food scientists and Ayurveda experts at Kapiva. Our mission is to raise awareness and educate people on ancient principles and herbs found in traditional texts. We work together to develop the most comprehensive content on Ayurveda which is grounded in peer-reviewed, scientific research.