A Lifestyle That Can Start Today!

By Kapiva Editorial

We know how difficult and tiresome a weight loss journey can sound, but it need not be that hard. A balanced approach by including all elements in your lifestyle can make a larger change & moreover a permanent one.

During the next few days, here are a few tips we recommend you follow to start changing your lifestyle for good.

  1. Do not stress yourself about your weight –
    Often we push ourselves to limits without understanding the process well
  2. Start including Yoga Asanas in your routine –
    Set up a time in your day, preferably in the morning. We will be sharing with you a Yoga Asana specifically chosen for weight care, with unique benefits for each. Usually targeting various body aspects and functions.
  3. Diet is key
    Do not think of the extreme diets that have got popular for the results their users
  4. Plan your when & where
    Though we often don’t realize but planning what you’re going to do where and when can make a big difference in our chances of doing the activity

Over the next few days through the 4 Balance program you would have access to:

  1. Diet to follow( On your email, customizable by our Nutritionist)
  2. Yoga Asanas
  3. 1 on 1 consultation (To guide, and motivate you)

So keep a lookout on the app, we’re looking forward to guiding you.


Start the journey with a Consultation to see where you stand 

CTA – Consult Now


This information is part of the series produced for



Kapiva Editorial

We are a team of food scientists and Ayurveda experts at Kapiva. Our mission is to raise awareness and educate people on ancient principles and herbs found in traditional texts. We work together to develop the most comprehensive content on Ayurveda which is grounded in peer-reviewed, scientific research.